Published poet, author, publisher and ARTbop contributor, Jenny Argante shares words of wisdom and practical experience for writers and authors wanting to know more about how to get published and get there work “out there” A publishing professional, Jenny also shares her expertise through the local Tauranga Writers’ Group and is also available at The Cargo Shed, Dive Crescent, Tauranga every first Saturday of the month from 10am to 12 noon and then 1pm to 4pm. Jenny offers free advice on “Bringing Out the Book in You”
1.. Write a first draft. Get started. Get it down. Get it out.
2. Edit and revise as many times as you need until its “best words in best order.”
Find some useful readers to critique it. NOT FAMILY! Take it to a writers’ group.
Listen carefully to that feedback and use it as the basis for another rewrite.
Get some professional help from an editor and proof reader.
Start thinking about your cover design – it’s worth paying a graphic designer to do this.
Decide if you want to publish it in print or as an e-book or both.
Make sure your manuscript is laid out properly in book format whether a paperback or
Write a blurb for the back cover that will “sell” you and your book to browsers.
Get a publishing imprint and an ISBN (International Standard Book Number)
Book in with a printer. You’ll want copies to sell in New Zealand.
Sign up with Create Space to sell as print on demand worldwide. FREE!
Sign up with Kindle Direct Publishing to get your e-book out to Amazon book buyers.
Sign up with Book Bay if you want to sell in other formats – iPad, Smartphone etc – and
through other outlets.
Now the hard work begins – promoting yourself and your book; distribution and sales.
When you self publish you’re an indie (independent) author. Helpful info in “My Artist is a Fruit Loop” by local writer Karolyn Timarkos on the perils and pitfalls of self publishing.
Go to for details
Go to 45 free downloads here including “Getting Started and
Getting Published”. Also “The Literary Arts in Tauranga” is available free from
You can request a free PDF on constructive “Editing and/or Working with an Editor” by
mail to Or publish with The Little Red Hen Community Press and get
your imprint and ISBN number free!!
Now’s a good time to download a free copy of her “Road Map” from Lis Sowerbutt’s website
Request a free copy of “getting your Book out There from
Bringing out the Book in You
Every first Saturday
10am -12 noon & 1 – 4pm
Arts Market @ The Cargo Shed
Dive Crescent, Tauranga
A free drop-in session throughout the day with Jenny Argante of The Little Red Hen Community Press – to talk about getting your writing project off the ground.
tel 07 576 9212, txt 022 053 48 68
(Excludes public holidays.)