Jizz Fest: TMS Birthday Celebrations


10406701_930969720280457_1437904919884962786_nOn a quiet easter Saturday when most townfolk were out enjoying the semi-sunshine with their families or looking for easter eggs at the National Jazz Festival…

Tauranga music sux had their fourth birthday at the incubator, unofficially titled ‘Jizz Fest’…There wasn’t as much raucous from these guys this time around, as they are known for in tunnels, under bridges, and when getting kicked off islands.

But it was a nice chill afternoon. A community event suited to a birthday. However there was no cake involved, a few beers perhaps and some awesome Solo acts (whom I had never seen before) brought the Rock N’ Roll ambience:



11102949_930970096947086_7947369081961352717_nZIG BEATNIK

The opening act, which set the tone (no pun intended), Zig was mostly an instrumental act with a guitar and a few effects, long and atmospheric pieces with beautiful transitions between moods and throwing in some improvised lyrics and a few tongue-in-cheek repeated lines which were thoroughly entertaining

10995550_930969973613765_4405134744125262202_nGREG MALCOLM

One man, 3 guitars…The sound was very pink Floyd/Jimmy Page esque with long journeying pieces which were super trippy! And the audience was mesmerized not only by the sound but also by the performance, with two guitars on the floor, and a violin bow in his hand…and still maintaining the trip of the sound. Fascinating stuff.

EDWARD GAINS18804_930970170280412_4220599667942128966_n

This dude was getting us back to a more traditional song style, I loved his voice which conveyed the emotion behind the lyrics to a very heartfelt effect. Me being a word man, I enjoyed the lyrics and his delivery very much…taking me from sad to uplifting. A great mix..

Unfortunately I was not able to stay to see PUMICE…


All in all it was a really cool afternoon, the crowd was the usual, familiar faces of TMS at the historic village. There were a couple of humourous moment when a few wanderers were walking through looking for jazz festival events…and stopped by to see what was going on anyway, even if it only was for a little bit. But no there was no jazz this afternoon….instead of Saxophones, there were electric Guitars….



Archaeo Outdoor TableDhaivat Mehta

(Editor – ARTbop alternative)

Dhaivat Mehta is a film-maker and performance poet, and a member of the Tauranga Writers…Involved with many aspects of local creativity! As an organizer he was responsible for last year’s National Poetry Day event “Caught In The Act” He also raps and does spoken word under the stage name Archaeo

Photography By:

Baz Mantis Artbop Avatar (1)Baz Mantis is a Tauranga based photographer, recording artist and film maker who has been the chief photographer for ARTbop Alternative since 2014. Alongside his passion for experimenting with visual imagery in multiple genres, he is also a musician and hasreleased an album and several music videos as The D-Day Saints, which features 7 guest vocalists from around the North Island. In between photographic assignments, Mantis is busy writing and recording new material for the Saints as well as crafting the sequel to his 2012 underground cult horror/comedy film Chair Evil, and he has a website @ www.bazmantis.com

About Author

ARTbop has been written, collated and distributed as a free Bay of Plenty arts focused periodical to cafes in Tauranga and its surrounds.  Starting as a simple text newsletter, ARTbop now has several excellent contributors and covers a wide range of topics informing readers of the thriving art scene and interesting events that happen in the Bay of Plenty. You might have heard about us through friends, or even picked up a copy to read while you were out having coffee. We've got lots of exciting and ambitious plans for this website.  If you’re interested in contributing, advertising or you would like to profile your portfolio on our artists gallery, or have an event that you think should be reviewed, please contact us at info@artbop.co.nz

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