Taking as its theme the work of James K Baxter the Katikati Art Group has produced an eclectic body of work for its current exhibition at the community gallery at Creative Bay of Plenty.

The diverse work of the James K. Baxter themed work of the Katikati Art Group
I surprise myself by arriving half an hour early for the exhibition opening. I take advantage of the organised quiet of the group’s last-minute preparations to take a good look at the work on display.
It’s probably like the group membership – unique and diverse. Referencing the spectrum of the body of Baxter’s work the viewer is exposed to the work itself and the prompting quotation – the art like the poetry ranges across fields of colour and style.

Val Helms and Colleen O’Byrne and a selection of the works on display
I’ve been invited by Asa Hobson, the wife of ARTbop contributor Marcus Hobson, and I know the painting displayed in the gallery front window is Asa’s interpretation of Baxter. It is a more representational image than others in the gallery – a pensive face lined with experience and life. I contrast this with the leaf-green collage just inside the door – both capture aspects of Baxter in their own way.
To one side sit three ceramic figures. There are two by Margaret Robertson – Barney Flanagan a particularly evocative memory of “the six o’clock swill”.

Another interpretation of Baxter and ceramic characters from his poetry
At the other end of the gallery Jan Sutherland has painted “The Farmhand” – ciggie in hand outside the country hall – it takes me back to all the church hall and country War Memorials I’ve danced in.
I make Asa stand alongside her other work: “Elegy to the Unknown Soldier” – the nurse is reading the letters in the dead soldier’s locker….

Asa Hobson and her interpretation of a poignant Baxter war-themed poem
Why did you join the art group I ask. Asa’s family was creative. “Dad was artistic – a painter/ photographer. Mum worked with clay, sewed, quilted. We are a creative family – my daughters are creative.” Asa discloses that the art group, the painting, is as if she is at last fulfilling a dream. Part of the dream is exhibiting her own art.
Asa explains that the theme was “given” to the art group – a poet she did not know but after the many discussions the project and the subject “ extended all that is in me.” It’s her first venture into portrait art and the second exhibition she has been in.
Asa is not the only artist her tonight who is alive with excitement but she is glowing with enthusiasm. She describes herself as a “newbie” in the group. Asa found an advertisement for the Katikati Art Group in the local Katikati Advertiser. The evening meetings suited her just fine and there’s been no holding her back. Asa says the group is helpful and welcoming – people to whom she happily takes other works for comment in “show and tell”. Sometimes “we just chat” other times, there’s little talk and concentrated painting.
Tauranga Writers members: Kinsa Hays and Marcus Hobson. Kinsa has three works in the exhibition.

Talented duo Kinsa Hays and Marcus Hobson
When the exhibition is opened the founder Colleen O’Byrne says she rang round a group of friends and it started from that – that was 1962! I also speak with Val Helms who mentions how good it is to be back in their refurbished rooms and gallery at the Katikati Memorial Hall.

Art Group founds Colleen O’Byrne opens the exhibition
I’ve included an image of the supper table. There are foods like odours, scents and colours which take you “straight back”. I’ve mentioned Kate Steeds of The Cottleston Gallery, contemporary interpretation of that 70’s favourite “the cheeseball”. Tonight a member of the group has brought along two sandwich plates of club sandwiches, perfectly formed, cut with precision, filled and flavoured to perfection. Ham and mustard with egg and chicken, mayonnaise and dried apricots – memories of country afternoon teas. Asa, of Swedish descent, had mixed dill with avocado to produce a dip which screamed to accompany the small cream cheese and salmon rolls. And, someone had brought along my perennial favourite – soft dates stuffed with cream cheese!. Keep an eye out – I’m going to include these yums in An artist’s gotta eat!
The Katikati Art Group exhibition of James K. Baxter works is showing at the Creative Bay of Plenty Gallery until 20th March 2017.

Two images exemplifying the diversity of style and interpretation of the work of James K. Baxter
The Katikati Art Group meets in their rooms at the Katikati War Memorial Hall, Main Road, Katikati. They meet during the day and evenings too.
Rosemary Balu. Rosemary Balu is the founding and current editor of ARTbop. Rosemary has arts and law degrees from the University of Auckland. She has been a working lawyer and has participated in a wide variety of community activities where information gathering, submission writing, community advocacy and education have been involved. Interested in all forms of the arts since childhood Rosemary is focused on further developing and expanding multi-media ARTbop as the magazine for all the creative arts in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand.
VISITING KATIKATI – you could also take a look at…
The gallery/studio of Katikati artist Lorraine Browne. Lorraine completed a design course and worked in display and advertising for seven years before becoming a full-time artist about nine years ago. She has sold work in Auckland, Tauranga and Katikati which has been her home for the past two years.
Gallery On Mulgan, 13 Mulgan Street, Katikati is open Thursday and Fridays or by appointment by calling Lorraine on 07 549 2048.

Gallery on Mulgan opens in Katikati
Lizzy Fisher Artist – currently exhibiting at Studio One, 1 Ponsonby Road, Auckland “Escape”
Katikati based Lizzy can be contacted on 021 320 221 or you can see more of her amazing work on Instagram at lizzy_fisher_artist
BIRGITT SHANNON Artist, Katikati

Katikati artist Birgitt Shannon
An accomplished artist of Australian descent Birgitt has participated in solo and group exhibitions. She is part of the group of artists chosen the now famous Morrinsville Cows – a street art project. Her street art work can also been seen on the large planters outside the Katikati BNZ, part of the 2015 NZ Mural Competition and Arts Festival. Birgitt has sold dozens of paintings in Australia and New Zealand and has recently sold a painting now hanging in a Research Centre at The Museum of Natural History in Los Angeles. Birgitt’s work can be found on her website www.artbybirgitt.com and you can follow her facebook page at www.facebook.com/artbybirgittnz
ARTbop promotes:
4th March at the Historic Village, 17th Avenue, Tauranga.
BAYCOURT Community & Arts Centre, Tauranga
Baycourt hosts a palette of creative activity from local youth performance to significant alternative performance. Just a quick look at what’s coming up in either the Addison Theatre or the Xspace, Go to www.baycourt.co.nz for detailed event and performance information and ticket prices. Here’s a selection:
1st March,7pm Say it with Music performed by Hans Hielscher on the fabulous Baycourt Wurlitzer.
2nd March 7.30pm The Nukes – mega-talented trio “part vaudeville, part rat-pack and part musical car crash.”
15th March 7.30pm New Zealand Symphony Orchestra “Summer Pops wit the Modern Maori Quartet” “a cool beat and amazing harmonies…an award winning Maori foursome with a fresh take on classic Maori showbands….”
24th March, 8pm 75 Years of Frock ‘n’ Roll with Richard O’Brien and Mark Sainsbury (plus a few surprises!) Dress to Impress. Supporting Starship Hospital. Details at www.taurangamusic.com
26th March Steinway Open Day from 10am with the Friends of Baycourt. Free entry!
TAURANGA WRITERS 2017 50th Anniversary Year
Our Thursday Work-in-Progress Session
2nd March 7-9pm
Your chance to bring something you’ve written for helpful feedback.
Our mantra – “Writers write!”
Our Sunday Focus Session
19th March 2-4pm
A workshop Q. & A. with the focus on using artwork, photos, a graphic designer or DIY.
Some basic rules & when to break them!
Callum Gentleman the Incubator 4th March.
If you were lucky enough to be at The Incubator on Sunday 12th February and saw a team of local poets open for Simon Kaho and Shane Hollands, you’d be making sure you get along to The Cheap Whiskey Tour with Callum Gentleman and Miss Peach. Opening for this event will be Legion of Dissent an out there combination of music and spoken word which includes the talents of ARTbop’s Baz Mantis, Dhaivat Mehta and Kingsley Smith with drummer….
Performance happens on the circus-style outdoor stage. You sit on “suitable for flat” couches and assorted seating (or bring your own). Last time it was pretending to be summer and a sunhat and glasses were needed but who knows – bring a bag and you’ll be prepared for New Zealand’s “four seasons in one day”!!
Creative event organisers ‘Valli Rebel’ are hosting the first of their ‘Make and Do’ contemporary craft workshops and invite you to indulge in the creative resurgence of Macrame with them, in this creative workshop being held on the 5th of March at the Whakamarama Hall. You’ll be taught how to practice the basic macrame knots before creating your own macrame plant hanger. No experience necessary!
Bookings are $60.00 with all materials supplied to create your own plant hanger, using high-grade macrame cord with a variety of colours to choose from, with a delicious afternoon tea provided.
(*Plants and pots can be purchased at an additional cost, or bring your own on the day).
For further details or to make a booking, contact Melanie Mills at:
WHEN: 5th of March 1.00 – 3.30pm
(plenty of parking)
COST: $60.00
CONTACT: melanie@vallirebel.com
ARTbop www.artbop.co.nz
+ arts news + reviews + events +
The online creative arts magazine for the Bay of Plenty
Sundaise Festival 2017
Music, Art & Sustainability
March 10 -12 / Waihi
Dear ARTbop, Check out this awesome festival coming up in Waihi in March. They have some brilliant acts, art installations and a huge range of workshops, market area, kids zone and it’s all sustainably focused. It’s held on a farm at Dickey Flat, Waihi. It has a beautiful river running right through the middle of the property so people go swimming or on bush walks while they’re here. Camping is free and there’s loads of space because they limit the ticket sales to just 1,000. More info on www.sundaise.co.nz
VINTAGE & RETRO FAYRE in Greerton 11th March
Alliance Francaise French Film Festival
The Rialto, Goddard Centre Tauranga
16th – 26th March 2017
Phone 07 577 0455 www.rialtotauranga.co.nz
ROGUE STAGE – nomad listening space
at Lava Glass Taupo
25th March 2017 10am to 8pm
Lots of wonderful entertainment – more information on
tauranga art gallery toi tauranga
The delightful Tauranga Art Gallery is on the Corner of Wharf and Willow Streets, Downtown Tauranga. P: +64 7 578 7933 artgallery.org.nz
Until the 12th of March you can see KOULA The Collections of Niki and Theo Vellinga. A peak into the determined and eclectic collections of two interesting Tauranga residents.
On Monday 3rd April 2017 at 6.30pm the Fine Art Society New Zealand will conduct an auction at Baycourt community & Arts Centre 38 Durham Street, Tauranga. A 40 page catalogue illustrating over 100 artworks is available on request from info@fineartsociety.net or from Zeus Gallery, 35 Chapel Street, Tauranga.
Miranda Farm Gallery,
Fatu Feu’u
Annie Wilson
Miranda Farm Gallery
1107 Miranda Rd
09 238 2608
Open 8am to 4pm every day.
ARTbop Editor, Rosemary Balu notes: I went up to Miranda Farm Gallery for the opening of this exhibition last Saturday afternoon. I had a great day out in Waihi and Paeroa and, as usual, a wonderful time at Miranda Farm. It’s not the first time I’ve been up there and I have a story simmering about the Gallery and some of the exhibitors. I also met Keith Woodley of the Miranda Shorebird Centre – that’s just gone on my must do and see list. If you’re looking for a great day out within easy driving of Tauranga (and Auckland) on good roads, lots of clean toilets, parking, cafes with great food – take the back roads. Make sure you check out the organic fruit and artisan produce on sale at The Stray Dog Cafe (part of Miranda Farm) – Gallery Director Annie and her team make chutney and relish “to die for” ….
Keep and eye on Been and Seen for my review on the vibrant work of Fatu Feu’u in the “Kuaka” Series – it’s summer heart singing!
Arts Whakatane
March 2017
Molly Morpeth Canaday Award: Painting and Drawing continues until Sunday 12th March at Te koputu a te whanga a Toi – Whakatane Library and exhibition Centre. Weekdays 9am-5pm. Weekends Saturday and Sunday 10am-2pm
4th March The Esplanade Art Market –
18th & 19th March SUP Festival Stand Up Paddle board Festival at Port Ohope – paddle board racing in the beautiful setting of Port Ohope.
Pop Up Art Containers Wharaurangi (beside Presentables) on the Strand Whakatane check out on artswhakatane.com
19th MET Opera: L’Amour de Loin: 3pm at Whakamax Movies
Whakatane French Festival: Details being confirmed visit artswhakatane.com for updates
26th ARTHOUSE Art and Craft Market 9am corner of McAlister and Short Streets
Exhibition | Molly Morpeth Canaday Award: Painting and Drawing
January 28 to March 12, 2017
Whakatane Museum and Arts, Whakatane
The 2017 Molly Morpeth Canaday Award for Painting and Drawing will be exhibited across all three galleries at Te Kōputu a te whanga a Toi — The Whakatāne Library and Exhibition Centre — and open to the public from Saturday, 28 January until Sunday, 12 March 2017.
Presented by Arts Whakatāne in association with Whakatāne Museum and Arts, this nationally recognised art award will recognise 13 category winners. The 2017 judge, Felicity Milburn, announced the winners on Friday, 27 January, including the artists to receive the $2500 Craig’s Investment Partners Youth prize and the $10,000 Molly Morpeth Canaday Fund award.
Whakatane Museum and Arts
Date(s) – 28/01/2017 – 12/03/2017
The Judge:
Felicity Milburn is a Curator at Christchurch Art Gallery, Te Puna o Waiwhetu. She works with artists on a wide range of projects, from temporary installations through to large-scale survey exhibitions. Most recently, Milburn curated exhibitions of historical and contemporary art from the collection and beyond for the Gallery’s reopening. She writes regularly about art for local and international publications and is the art editor for the literary magazine, Takahē. This year, Milburn has worked with Billy Apple and Lisa Walker on solo individual projects, and prepared an exhibition on the paintings of Doris Lusk.
Heather Hourigan, Molly Morpeth Canaday Co-Ordinator with 2017 Judge Felicity Milburn
ARTbop Editor Rosemary Balu says: There is a large free parking area within easy walking distance of this complex which is part of a waterfront shopping precinct – including a New World if you feel the need to stock up on the basics. Whakatane has a number of cafes within its main streets area which you access through the Centre arcade. There is an outstandingly popular sushi cafe opposite with a great array of sushi and as a bonus “free” green tea. There are signposted public toilets and toilets within the Exhibition Centre. Whakatane is a magical “day out”.
Don’t miss visiting the 2017 Molly Morpeth Canaday exhibition – it’s the diversity of the work and the spectrum of accomplished talent you should take this opportunity to see. This exhibition is now a nationally recognised and important arts competition and award series. It is accompanied by an explanatory display of portraits and text – an insight into the lives of Molly Morpeth Canaday and her husband Frank Canaday.
There’s also an opportunity to see what and whom we “the public” think – Law Creative Group have sponsored a People’s Choice Award of $500 (for the artist) Voting is open until 26th February and the winner announced on 27th February.
You can also find the flavour of the Eastern Bay of Plenty in Arts Revealed
Arts Revealed
Artists and writers Andrea Cooper and Heather Hourigan
Cottleston Gallery, Greerton
The Bee Appreciation Society AGM.
Paintings by Katherine Steeds. A unique and painstaking installation of tiny portraits, in homage to the humble bee.
During exhibitions the Gallery’s usual opening hours: 11am – 4.30pm every day except Mondays.
But visitors are welcome to browse the gallery outside these hours. Please simply phone for an appointment.
Please check the gallery website for areas where you can park. Please do not park on the shared driveway and road verges.
The Cottleston Gallery
128 Oropi Road, Greerton, Tauranga.
Contact Katherine Steeds 578 5242 or 0204783337
0204 STEEDS (0204 783337)
Paradox the Street Art Festival coming to Tauranga March to June 2017 – W: taurangastreetart.co.nz
55th National Jazz Festival Tauranga
13 – 17 April 2017
ZOETICA – life – passion – bravery 30 August to 02
September 2017 Tarnished Frocks & Divas in association with Carrus W: tarnishedfrocksanddivas.co.nz F: Tarnished Frocks and Divas
Maori Language Week 11 -17 September 2017
Although the historic Rotorua Museum is closed indefinitely the other buildings in the wonderful Government Gardens remain open. The gardens are worth a day out in Rotorua and while there include a walk around the Sulphur Lakes Sculpture Trail. This project was begun in 2014 with 2016 seeing the second Sculpture Symposium.
In November 2016 wielding chisels, hammers and power tools artists descended on Rotorua Arts Village Green to transform 25 tonnes of stone and logs into works of art. Seventeen of New Zealand’s top local and national sculptors had nine days to create pieces of art during the 2016 Sulphur Lakes Sculpture Symposium. The finished pieces of art became part of Rotorua’s Sulphur Lake Sculpture Trail.
Artists were able to use all styles; traditional, abstract and contemporary. Their artwork had reflect the theme of ‘The Energy Within,’ capturing Rotorua’s unique geothermal and cultural environment.
In November 2016 Council community arts advisor and symposium coordinator, Marc Spijkerbosch, said the sculpture symposium is an exciting event for the city.
“This is a thrilling event for the artists and the wider community. Rotorua is very fortunate. There are only a couple of events like this across the country. It’s great for the artists and a rare opportunity for locals and tourists to see sculptures being created. Spijkerbosch also noted:
“These artists are seasoned professionals It’s mesmerising to watch them cut down, shape and mould these huge blocks and boulders,” he says.
The artists have the choice to create pieces from Oamaru limestone, Taranaki andesite or macrocarpa logs.
“The artists all work in an open space and we encourage locals and visitors to come down to watch the sculptors work and see the artworks take shape.”
At the end of the nine days, one of the works will be selected for the judges’ award and will become a permanent part of the district’s public art collection. Up to a further four pieces could be selected to enhance the new boulevard in Rotorua’s Kuirau Park.
All the finished sculptures are installed along the Sulphur Lakes Sculpture Trail in Government Gardens to form The Energy Within Exhibition. The pieces will remain on public display along the trail until the next sculpture symposium in 2018.
The works are for sale at prices set by the artists, and any sold from the sculpture trail would be replaced with alternative pieces.
2014 saw the inaugural Rotorua Sulphur Lake Symposium
Seventeen pieces produced to the theme ‘The Returning Soldier,’ as part of the World War 1 100 year commemorations.
Sculptures have been displayed as part of the Sulphur Lake Sculpture Trail.
Judges selected Anna Korver’s piece ‘The White Mouse’, depicting New Zealand war heroine Nancy Wake, to win the $10,000 prize and be part of the Council’s permanent art collection.
Only five pieces from the 2014 symposium remain available for sale. There is a comprehensive brochure available (free) at both ends of the trail. Make sure you get one of these before you walk through this sculpture park. Free parking is available in the Government Gardens and nearbye streets. There are clean public toilet facilities. The cafe at the Polynesian Spa is a good place for a coffee or walk into Downtown Rotorua to find a variety of cafes and international food chains.
For further information please contact: Ingrid Tiriana Public Relations Advisor DDI: 351-8110 Mob: 021-190 8868 E: Ingrid.tiriana@rdc.govt.nz