A Hairy Maclary Visitor!

Rosemary and Hairy Maclary at Creative Tauranga.  PHOTO / ROSEMARY BALU

Rosemary Balu and Bottomley Potts at Creative Tauranga. PHOTO / ROSEMARY BALU

It seems Hairy Maclary is in all sorts of places. There’s a little round yellow table and set of very small chairs (Calling Goldilocks?)  in the foyer of the Tauranga Art Gallery.  It’s got a set of very well read Lynley Dodd books on the table.  I sit down and read the stories (again) “find me a lion with a tangled mane”    I read again a variety of Hairy Maclary & Co books – I forgot that Schnitzel Von Krum can climb trees.   “…and down past the shops and the park to the far end of town….”

I’ve had my photo taken with Bottomley Potts (all covered in spots) who is on display in the foyer of Creative Tauranga.  He’s one of the nine life-sized sculptures which will be part of the Hairy Maclary and Friends Waterfront Sculpture Project.   Creative Tauranga on behalf of the organising group is on the downhill run to achieve the final tranche of funding to complete the waterfront installation of these statues.  Call in and meet Mr Bottomley Potts, collect an information pamphlet and read the Project story board.

You can visit Bottomley Potts at Creative Tauranga’s headquarters, 112 Willow Street, Tauranga.  Phone 07 928 5270.  Email reception@creativetauranga.co.nz


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